Water Filters To Take Care Of Health And The Environment

Water Filters To Take Care Of Health And The Environment - Bbva


Are water filters really necessary where access to drinking water is guaranteed? Do they have health and environmental benefits? While in places without drinking water, filters can mean a real revolution; In homes with drinking tap water, you have to take into account what you are going to use the different filtering technologies for. Important: Filters help solve the plastic bottled water challenge, contributing to sustainability.

Three atoms make up a simple molecule. Two hydrogens and one oxygen are at the base of the revolution of life on our planet. Without water, nothing of what we know would exist. And yet, when we turn on the tap and let it run, we don’t think about this. We take it for granted, even though it is a scarcer commodity and with more threats than we might think.

In the world today, most people have access to clean water. However, according to the World Health Organization, more than 2 billion people consume water that has the potential to be contaminated every day. The difference, in most cases, is marked by the presence of industrial filtering, purification and purification systems, as well as controls that ensure that drinking it does not imply health risks.

In addition, there is always the possibility of installing water purifiers at the domestic level. But are they really necessary in those places where access to drinking water is guaranteed? What types exist and how do they work? Do they have benefits for health and the environment?

Why Is Water Care So Important And How Can It Be Saved?

For three days, various districts of Lima and Callao will have restricted water service. Due to this scenario, Peruvians have the opportunity to reflect on the care that should be given to water. Here are some tips on what to do to save it and what tricks to follow when you don’t have many reserves.

Is A Water Filter Necessary?

The variety of particles that can be found in tap water is very large. Depending on each region and even within the same province, it can change significantly, since the aquifers and the treatment and transport processes are different, explains Alex Dakov, head of the NGO Oceanic Global and CEO of Agua NEA and Green Motive. What is clear is that what we usually call water is much more than hydrogen and oxygen.

In its natural state, water contains microorganisms and a multitude of suspended particles and dissolved chemical elements that it collects from its environment. Microplastics have been added to them, although their impact on health has not yet been determined. In countries where access to drinking water is guaranteed, a series of filtering and disinfection processes are carried out to ensure that most of these elements do not end up being ingested. Still, there are other reasons why you might want to install a filter at home.

When we talk about water, one criterion often influences others: the perception of taste. A subjective criterion that each person feels or applies differently, adds Dakov. Filtering technologies help change that perception, and can therefore help to drink tap water, even though it is not chemically necessary.

The thing changes if we talk about places where running water is not drinkable or there is not even such a network of running water. Here, a filter can mark a before and after, although guaranteeing portability, from a chemical and biological point of view, is more complex than installing a filtering system. For many communities where access to clean water is difficult, a filter can be a real revolution. It can facilitate access to a basic source of life for human beings economically and universally, emphasizes the head of Oceanic Global.

Tricks To Save Water

Water is an essential element for the day-to-day whose consumption is not given due attention except in the increasingly frequent times of drought because its access and price are still very affordable for the service it provides. The increase in ecological awareness that has been experienced for a few years now is not, however, yet sufficient for the habits of citizens to have adapted to the growing needs for saving water demanded by these times. Hence, it is very opportune to review a series of tips to control the use of the liquid element.

Water Filtration Technologies

Home water filters have gained in variety and efficiency in recent years. They range from simple systems to remove odors or tastes to disinfection or demineralization units. These are the top filter technologies available for home use today, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

To choose a filter, we must take into account the type of water in our area and the purpose that we are going to give the filtered water. Each filter has use and characteristics, and not taking them into account can lead to a negative modification for the water that is drunk. For example, not changing a carbon filter when appropriate can end up contaminating the water you are drinking, explains Alex Dakov.

Plastics, Filters, And Environment

Every year we generate more than 300 million tons of plastic waste worldwide. The majority is not recycled (more than 80%) and some eight million tons end up in the oceans, according to data from the UN environmental agency. Every year, about 500 billion plastic bottles for water and other beverages are produced, most of which end up in our environment as garbage. In financial entities such as BBVA, plastic is an endangered species.

Clean Water And Sewage To Fight Inequality

Rosa Ancco is still surprised to hear the sound of running water in her house. Custom does not let her forget that until recently she bathed her children with hot water bottles. He has not had an easy life, but his desire to give his family a decent roof to live under and the support of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation have been enough to achieve it.

The plastic problem is complex and has many causes, but the lack of access to drinking water is one of them. According to the latest Ocean Panel report, improving the management of water and sanitation in the world is one of the main lines of action to reduce plastic pollution (and improve global health).

One of the greatest advantages of tap water is that it reduces the environmental impact generated by bottled water, emphasizes the CEO of Agua NEA. that more than a million plastic bottles are opened every minute in the world, but also because of the environmental costs of their transport.

In this sense, water filters and, above all, those applied to improve the drinking water network of towns that depend largely on bottled water, can be a solution. One of the challenges that humanity will face in this century will be to guarantee access to drinking water for the 8 billion people who will soon populate the planet, without multiplying the problem we have with plastics, adds Dakov.

Having a source of drinking water in every home is essential for human and environmental health. And enjoying clean water and sewage is one more factor to fight against inequality. Insofar as they reduce reliance on bottled water, water filters may be one of the solutions to this challenge. However, as we have already pointed out, guaranteeing the potability of water from a chemical and biological point of view is much more complicated than installing a filter at home.

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