How To Lead An Eco-friendly Life In The City

How To Lead An Eco-friendly Life In The City - Diario Libre


Caring for the environment is an important value that is learned at home

Leading an eco-friendly lifestyle is a trend that is gaining more and more strength and that goes beyond participating in a recycling campaign or a global initiative every year, which contributes to caring for the environment, our duty as citizens go beyond that.

Therefore, to have a better notion of small changes that we can make in our daily or recreational activities and have a lower environmental impact, the specialists of ETNA, an energy solutions company, recommend taking into account the following:

When Mobilizing

Use public transport when you don’t have an urgency to reach your destination or when it is possible for you, the use of a bicycle or walking are also options that definitely will not generate more pollution in the environment. Likewise, if you choose to travel by car, make sure that its fuels work correctly, both the batteries and the ignition systems, and preferably try brands whose products are designed to promote responsible consumption and energy generation. renewable.

In The Home

Daily activities such as taking short showers, or reusing the water that remains when you finish showering in the bathtub, contribute to saving this resource, and, therefore, guarantee the care of the environment.

Regarding the saving of electrical energy, now there is also the possibility of installing solar panels in your house, or solar energy kits, such as ETNA, which offers a basic solar energy kit that contains: a solar panel, a battery, and additional equipment that captures solar energy and converts it into electricity. This, in addition to being an eco-friendly product option, allows access to this resource in homes that previously did not have access to electricity due to geographic, economic, or other reasons.

In Your Diet

On the other hand, for those who like a domestic life and want to have balanced nutrition, there is the alternative of cultivating your family garden. This way you can consume fertilizer-free products and improve your quality of life.

When Making Your Domestic Purchases

When cleaning your home, you can also choose to use rags from old clothes or old towels that are of no use to you, which, in addition to having a longer duration than other clothes, will require less expense. Likewise, you will also have the possibility of using ecological cleaning products that you can prepare yourself.

At Work

The day-to-day for a person who belongs to the corporate world can be very hectic; however, that does not mean that taking action in the fight against climate change is neglected. Not abusing the use of air conditioning too which we are so accustomed is one of the actions that are within our reach.

Excessive use of this type of service greatly increases the levels of electrical energy consumption. thus aggravating global warming. The use of solar energy kits is a practice that can be adapted to the business environment and that, in turn, will allow companies to save on expenses.

In The City

Extreme consumerism is largely the trigger for the significant damage we are causing our planet. Natural disasters cry out to us that we have gone too far, and yet we continue down the path of destruction. With the advice of Paola Tineo, this article is a call to be more sensitive and to accept that a society connected to nature has greater benefits.

You have the responsibility to manage what is left of everything you consume; as well as buy what you need so that this does not harm the planet. It is necessary to design a lifestyle change and modify the mentality that nature is only loved in the countryside. In the city and the whole world, there is a life to respect and it can be sustainable.

We came to this conclusion after witnessing Paola Tineo’s dissertation at the ASR Contemporary Gallery. In the talk, which was called Design for Change: A proposal for sustainable living in the city, the creator of the Ser Eco Foundation shared practical advice that we are telling you today so that you guide yourself and act with conscience. In this context, he highlighted that the third projection of climate change for the Dominican Republic is estimated for the year 2050, that is, in 32 years we will have a drought. The actions we take now can change the course of the evil that is expected, which is the commitment, duty, and obligation of each one.

1. Buy what you need. Consumerism makes us acquire things that are not necessary. Do you have to ask yourself how badly I need this? If it is useful, evaluate the material and choose the one that has the least impact, and, from there, make the decision.

2. Clothes and accessories. It is a particular determination of each one to choose what they acquire and this implies from accessories and clothing accessories to complete clothing or shoes with biodegradable soles.

3. Be aware of plastic. Each bag is a derivative of petroleum and has an extremely long life with very little use, it is better to opt for durable reusable bags. Plastic has come to respond to many human needs, but excess consumption has enveloped us and the time has come to control it. If you are going to use a bottle of this material, at least opt for one that can be recycled in our country. There are seven types of plastic, type 1 in the DR is used to make trays for smoothing; and type 2, brooms. (You can see the type of plastic under the containers)

4. Choose friendly products. When locally produced items are purchased, the use of fuel is saved, so the impact on the environment is less; If this is added that they have been processed without affecting the environment, it is a great step to maintain life on earth. You have to document yourself about each item you buy, both what is inside and the container that contains it.

5. Water consumption. Knowing how to manage this precious resource is important, it starts from ingesting it to the cleaning process. There are toilets on the market that allow a minimum and intelligent consumption, if the waste is liquid you only have to hit the small button and if it is solid you will need more water, so you have to hit the big one.

6. More cardboard. When wet it disappears; If there are several packaging options for the same product, buy the cardboard one. A common example is eggs, which come in cardboard and plastic packaging, they are the same cost and in the long run, you will put them in the egg cup, there is no reason to buy them in plastic.

7. Shaving. There are stainless steel razors, very durable, and you only have to change the extremely economical blade; the plastic ones are disposable and more expensive, with one and the other the result in your body is the same, not for our habitat.

8. Toothbrush. There are bamboo ones, which take from three to six months to degrade when discarded; and plastics in a landfill can last up to 800 years, but you will only use them for three months. Which should you choose?

9. Sanitary pads and tampons. Many are used in the life of a woman; in the case of towels, we can buy reusable types, which are washed; or those that are only cotton without the plastic part. As for tampons, they degrade when thrown in the trash. There are also cups for this purpose.

10. The glass. It is the ideal material for an eco-friendly life. Choose it mainly for the kitchen and the toilet area. If you buy sauces, choose glass ones and then keep them as a storage container or as glasses; It is cheaper and the environment will thank you.

11. Mus. It is a very resistant and effective element used for scrubbing that is taken from nature and replaces the traditional plastic sponge. It can also perfectly replace the sponge to squeeze during the bath.

12. Towels. Instead of using paper napkins in the kitchen, choose cloth ones that are more durable, economical in the long run, and cause less impact on the environment.

ABOUT ecoGnome

Leading a sustainable lifestyle means wholeheartedly embracing respect for the environment and making a positive impact for people and the planet.

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