How To Be More Ecological At Home

How To Be More Ecological At Home - Tips


Although the largest amount of pollution is indeed produced from human activities that have their origin in industrial processes, agriculture, or due to large companies and institutions (the volume of resources with which they work is much greater than any individual or a private household ), it is also true that the actions of ordinary citizens have a significant impact on the environment. In fact, by changing certain daily habits that we carry out in an everyday space such as our own home, we manage to reduce our impact on the environment. If you want to know some ways how to be more ecological at home, keep reading and we will tell you about them.

How To Be Greener At Home With Better Resource Management

One of the most important aspects with which we can be more ecological in our home is by making responsible use of the natural resources that we consume in the home. In this sense, it is worth highlighting three natural resources that an average-type dwelling consumes: water, electricity, and gas.


The water we use in our home is one of the resources that we can use much more efficiently if we want to be more ecological at home. In this sense, it is important to remember certain tips that we have heard many times, but that has a significant impact on the water consumption we make at home. Some typical examples are turning off the faucet while brushing our teeth, turning off the faucet while soaping ourselves in the shower, not running the washing machine or dishwasher until they are full, and not using the toilet as a trash can, etc. In addition to reducing our water consumption, we will also be able to reduce our bill at the end of the month, so there are all advantages.


When we talk about light we are referring to electricity consumption in general. On the one hand, we must bear in mind that, when contracting an electricity rate, there are already many companies that give us the option of choosing options that assure us that this electricity comes from renewable energy sources (in this sense, it should be nuance many aspects of these options, but, despite this, it is conceivable that they will always be more respectful of the environment than the rest of the rates), so switching to this type of rate is a good start.

Likewise, there are certain fundamental habits in the responsible use of electrical energy that will help us reduce the impact that a home has on the environment. To begin with, we can change all the old light bulbs to LED bulbs, whose energy efficiency is much higher than all their predecessors. Likewise, it is also important not to leave lights or electrical devices on when we are not using them. In addition, in the case of having electrical air conditioning (heating or air conditioning), it is essential to have good thermal insulation at home to prevent leaks.


When we talk about gas we refer to the use made of any fuel to obtain heating and DHW (Sanitary Hot Water). Going back to what was already mentioned regarding thermal insulation, to reduce the consumption of any type of air conditioning at home and improve its efficiency, it is essential to improve the thermal insulation of the house. In this sense, one of the most important aspects is to make sure that the windows and doors are not points of thermal leakage. Although many options can be chosen, PVC windows with thermal break and double glazing are the most recommended in this regard, since they prevent the outside temperature (cold or hot) from entering the interior.

Finally, how could it be otherwise, it is also necessary to remember that, to be ecological at home, it is essential to make responsible use of air conditioning. The air conditioning is at 21 degrees and above, and the heating is at a temperature that is not “necessary” to open the windows because in the middle of winter it is too hot in the house.

Improve The Management Of Waste At Home To Be More Ecological

On the other hand, another of the most important ways to be ecological at home is to manage waste efficiently and responsibly. In this sense, it is essential to have correctly differentiated rubbish bins on the one hand (if there is not enough space to have many bins, you can have bags in places such as the terrace to store waste that does not smell, such as paper or glass). Let us remember that the yellow bucket is for containers, cans, and plastics, the green bucket for glass, the blue for paper, the brown for organic waste, the orange for cooking oils or household oils, and the gray bucket for non-recyclable waste or waste. unclassified.

Likewise, it is also important to have a space to store “miscellaneous things” that, although they cannot be thrown directly into the rubbish bins, they must be taken to the recycling point so that they are managed correctly. In this sense, it is important to store objects such as old batteries, wooden objects, kitchen utensils that are no longer used, old furniture, old toys, and technological waste (it is very important that it be recycled because it is very polluting), paint old, clothes, and accessories, etc. All these objects must be taken to your local recycling point, where they will be managed in a responsible and environmentally friendly manner. A good option is to go to the recycling point once every month or every two months and take everything that has been stored at home in this category of “miscellaneous things”. In addition, if you do not have a vehicle or transport that can bring you carrying all the things, you can always find out about the mobile recycling points that are placed weekly in the various larger cities, which facilitates the transport of these objects.

Responsible Purchasing To Be Greener

Although it is strictly done outside the home, the purchase made in the market or supermarket is mainly destined to be consumed in the domestic environment. In this sense, it is also very important to adapt our purchasing habits to reduce the impact on the environment and be as ecological as possible from our own homes.

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Leading a sustainable lifestyle means wholeheartedly embracing respect for the environment and making a positive impact for people and the planet.

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