Homemade, Natural And Ecological Unblocker For Pipes

Ecological Unblocker For Pipes


We have seen in many articles that some cleaning and personal hygiene products are very toxic and dangerous for our health.

The main active ingredient in wastewater cleaning is sodium hydroxide, also known as soda or caustic soda. It is a synthetic chemical used for its corrosive and degreasing properties.

It is also used by people as a household drain cleaner and cleaner, even in the cleaning of machines in the food industry, and in fact, it is very easy to find traces of soda in almost any dairy product and other industrial foods.

Caustic soda is not considered a pollutant, it separates into relatively harmless components once released into water or moist soil.

But it is an irritant that can burn the skin, and irritate the nose, throat, and respiratory tract, so contact should be avoided as much as possible. Ingestion or overexposure can lead to death. And we already know that prevention is better than cure.

In this article, I present an ecological and natural substitute, it is a healthy alternative to caustic soda in sinks, drains, and sewers.

It should be clarified that it is essential to carry out adequate maintenance of the pipes and if the problem cannot be solved with the method that I teach, going to a professional will not make the matter more complex.

Natural Homemade Plunger For Pipes And Sinks

Any good plumber knows that proper maintenance is the best way to prevent a clogged pipe or pipe. Cleaning your drains with boiling water weekly can help keep them clean.

Sewer and drain boxes should be cleaned regularly. The installation of small meshes is recommended to prevent the passage of large objects, materials such as lint, hair, and others that can obstruct the pipes.

Monthly treatment helps prevent future blockages by pouring a cup of baking soda down the drain pipe and then pouring in some boiling water.

How To Make A Plunger With Baking Soda And Homemade Vinegar

This is a very simple and ecological recipe to use at home. It is the one I use in mine, with such good results that I have never had to resort to another type of plunger, homemade or not, until now. Unclogging with baking soda is something that has been done for a long time, but the combination with vinegar is one of the best. Both are powerful natural cleansers.


To create this powerful homemade plunger we are going to need only these ingredients, which are found in almost any home, and surely in all the homes of the regular readers of this blog:

Cleaning Instructions

We remove all the water from the sink or bathtub and put the first cup of baking soda in the drain.

Next, pour 2 cups of boiling water down the drain. Baking soda mixed with boiling water dissolves pipe grease and other crusts.

We wait a few minutes and put the other cup of baking soda in the drain, then add a cup of vinegar and cover the drain.

Noises will be heard coming from it, due to the effervescence you can even see bubbles and foam coming out of the tube. When the noises and the bubbles are over, we add the rest of the boiling water.

If the obstruction continues, we repeat this process with the homemade pipe cleaner as many times as necessary.

If The Drain Remains Clogged

If the drain tube continues to give problems, we can try using a special cable to unlock it. We can also do it with a wire, whose tip we must bend so that it does not get stuck, although using a manual plunger may be enough.

Using A Manual Plunger (plunger)

The baking soda and vinegar can dissolve some of the greases and other materials that are causing the clog but adding the use of a plunger makes the task easier.

For this we fill the sink or bathtub with enough water to seal the plunger against the bottom then we push hard and pull and push repeatedly.

How Does This Work?

Baking soda is a base, and when combined with vinegar, which is an acid, they react to form carbon dioxide and sodium acetate. Therefore, the unblocking mixture with bicarbonate of soda and vinegar creates a strong chemical reaction that is injurious to health, unlike other chemicals such as soda.

It is this reaction that causes the bubbles to rub against the inside of the pipe. These products are natural, non-toxic, and pose no risk to your health, family, pets, or the environment if used in the manner intended. we have described in this article.

ABOUT ecoGnome

Leading a sustainable lifestyle means wholeheartedly embracing respect for the environment and making a positive impact for people and the planet.

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